Pentecost: The Day the Church Was Born
Description: The Holy Spirit's transforming power came with fire to the disciples. Discover how the Church’s birthday can empower a re-birthday for us.

Pentecost: what happened?
In the Book of Acts (2:1-4), we read about an extraordinary event: on the day of Pentecost, the disciples were all gathered together when suddenly, a sound like a powerful wind came from heaven, filling the entire house where they were. Then, what seemed to be tongues of fire appeared and rested on each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages, enabled by the Spirit.
The Spirit’s arrival that day was transformative. The disciples were so overwhelmed, a crowd made up of people from various regions gathered. Miraculously, everyone heard, and understood, in their own local language. This amazing occurrence caused quite a stir, with some septics suggesting the disciples were drunk.
Peter, the same disciple who had denied Jesus three times, had stood up and addressed the crowd. His powerful message, empowered by the Holy Spirit, led to the conversion of 3,000 people that very day. This marked a turning point for Peter and for the early Christian community.
Pentecost – a little background
Pentecost, meaning fifty, is celebrated 50 days after Easter Sunday and marks the fulfilment of Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit. In John's Gospel, Jesus tells his followers he will ask the Father to send them another Helper who will be with them forever, the Spirit of truth (John 14:16-17). Both wind and fire are significant symbols of the Holy Spirit.
The timing of Pentecost is also significant in Jewish tradition. It coincides with the Feast of Weeks, a festival celebrated 50 days after Passover, also known as the Feast of Harvest or the Day of First-fruits (Leviticus 23:16). In England, Pentecost is referred to as Whitsun or Whitsunday, likely deriving from white Sunday, in recognition of the white baptism clothes worn by new Christians.
Pentecost – the Church’s Birthday
Pentecost is often regarded as the birthday of the Church. While Jesus is the cornerstone of Christianity, Pentecost was the day the disciples, now apostles, began their mission to spread the Christian message. As Jesus had instructed them, they were to be his witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
This passage helps us remember that the church is global, and is a reminder to pray for Christians around the world, particularly those who face challenges and persecution. Their faith and courage are a testament to the enduring power of the Holy Spirit.
This in turn, reminds us of the importance of community in our faith journey. The disciples were together when the Holy Spirit descended upon them, highlighting the strength we gain from gathering with fellow believers. By engaging with our local churches, joining small groups, and taking part in community activities, we not only grow our own faith, we also support others in theirs.
Questions, doubts and the way forward
Even after Jesus’ resurrection, some doubted. Thomas, for instance, who was one of Jesus’ core of twelve disciples, refused to believe until he’d seen the marks of Jesus’ crucifixion for himself. After seeing the wounds, he became the first person to explicitly acknowledge the divinity of Jesus. His full acceptance of Jesus as his Lord and God was a profound declaration (John 20:28).
Many people, including Christians, have doubts and questions about their faith. The Alpha course provides an excellent opportunity to explore these questions in an open and welcoming environment. Alpha is a series of free sessions that explore the Christian faith, including the role and activities of the Holy Spirit, and offers a chance for personal renewal and for introducing people to Christianity. For more about Alpha, click here.
Pentecost can also serve as a personal re-birthday for each of us – our reminder that the same Spirit that empowered the apostles is available to us, guiding and strengthening us in our daily lives. This power can transform us, just as it did the apostles on that first Pentecost.
Pentecost is a time for celebration. Through Jesus, the Holy Spirit is available to all of us. By inviting the Holy Spirit into our lives, and embracing the significance of Pentecost, we too can share Jesus’ Great Commission: to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).
We can do this through our own testimony. Telling others what God has done for us through the power of the Holy Spirit. By doing this, we are not just sharing our story, we may be helping to guide someone towards eternal life. And that’s a mission worth pursuing.