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How God transforms weakness into strength

Description: Moses, Christ’s disciples, and St Paul found strength in their weaknesses. Find out how God works through us, even when we have doubts.

How God transforms weakness into strength


In a world where success often seems defined by strength, talent, and extraordinary achievements, it’s easy for Christians to feel weak or inadequate. We may look at the accomplishments of others and wonder if we measure up. The truth is, God never intended us to rely on our own strength alone. In fact, it’s often through our weaknesses his power is most clearly displayed.

Throughout the Bible, we see how God chose unlikely, imperfect individuals to fulfil his purposes. It’s a message that should comfort and inspire Christians today. Instead of feeling daunted or inadequate, we can find strength in our weaknesses by trusting in God's plan. It’s both enriching and revealing to explore a few examples, starting with Moses, the man God would speak to as his friend (Exodus 33:11).

Moses: a reluctant leader, transformed by faith

Moses’ life is a powerful example of God’s ability to use human frailty for divine purposes. When God first called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses was hesitant and full of self-doubt. He questioned his abilities, asking God how someone like him, with his flaws and limitations, could confront Pharaoh, one of the most powerful rulers in the world (Exodus 3:1-15).

Yet Moses' initial reluctance and insecurities were not barriers. When he placed his trust in God, God worked amazing miracles through him. From the parting of the Red Sea to the delivery of the Ten Commandments, Moses became a vessel for God’s power. What’s more, Moses remained humble throughout his life. Near the end of his journey, he reminded the Israelites that everything they had achieved was by God’s hand, not his. His leadership wasn’t about his personal strength but about his faith and surrender to God.

Moses’ life shows that God doesn’t require us to be extraordinary by human standards. He asks for our faith and willingness to follow his calling, no matter how unqualified we may feel. Just as Moses found strength in his weakness, so can we when we trust in God's power.

The disciples and mustard seed: faith, even in doubt

Jesus used the parable of the mustard seed to illustrate how even the smallest amount of faith can grow into something great (Matthew 17:20). Despite witnessing countless miracles, the disciples frequently faltered in their faith. One memorable instance was when they failed to heal a boy suffering from seizures. Jesus pointed out their lack of faith but didn’t give up on them.

These disciples were ordinary men with very human flaws. Although known for his boldness, Peter denied his Lord three times soon after Jesus was arrested. James and John were nicknamed sons of thunder for their fiery temperaments. Matthew was a tax collector, seen as a traitor by his fellow Jews. Thomas earned the label doubting because he refused to believe in Jesus’ resurrection without seeing proof. Yet Jesus didn’t choose them for their perfection. He chose them for their potential and willingness to be transformed by faith.

Especially striking is that, despite their doubts, mistakes, and failures, Jesus entrusted these imperfect people with spreading the Gospel. Again, this emphasises how God so often works through our imperfections to achieve his divine plans. The disciples’ story reminds us that, no matter how flawed we are, God can work through us, just as he did through them.

Finding strength in weakness today

As modern Christians, we might struggle with feelings of inadequacy or fear that our weaknesses disqualify us from serving God. We may compare ourselves to other believers who seem to accomplish so much more, and wonder if we are truly faithful disciples. But God’s call is not to perfection; it's to faithfulness.

In 2 Corinthians 12:9, Paul teaches that God's power is made perfect in weakness. Our human frailty becomes an opportunity for God to demonstrate his strength. The moments when we feel least capable are often the moments when God works most powerfully through us. Rather than focusing on our limitations, we should focus on God’s limitless power. When we surrender our weaknesses to him, they become channels through which his strength can flow.

The Apostle Paul, too, faced many trials and hardships during his ministry. He suffered physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet, he recognised that these struggles allowed him to rely not on his own strength but on God’s grace. Paul's experiences teach us that weakness is not something to be ashamed of, but something to embrace, knowing it opens the door to God’s work in our lives.

Embracing God's call

As we’ve seen, God doesn’t expect us to be perfect. In fact, he delights in using the ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary. Our challenge is not to eliminate doubt or fear, but to trust God in the midst of it. The mustard seed of faith within us, no matter how small it may seem, can grow into something mighty when nurtured by trust in God.

Rather than comparing ourselves to others or getting caught up in feelings of inadequacy, we should remember that God has a unique plan for each of us. When surrendered to him, our weaknesses, as well as our strengths, can be used to further his Kingdom. Next time we feel overwhelmed, it’s reassuring to recall all that God achieved through Moses, the disciples, and Paul –irrespective of their weaknesses.


Our journey as Christians is not defined by how strong or capable we feel, but by how much we allow God to work through us. When we surrender our weaknesses and place our trust in him, we open ourselves to the transformative power of his grace. Who knows where our journey might lead when we stop focusing on our limitations and start embracing the limitless potential God sees in us.

With the power of our faithful God through the Holy Spirit, there really is no limit to what we can accomplish.

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